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Wasanbon Warabi Mochi <Bracken-starch Mochi> - Creative Japanese Sweets

Wasanbon Warabi Mochi <Bracken-starch Mochi> - Creative Japanese Sweets

Regular price $89.78 USD
Regular price Sale price $89.78 USD
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Wasanbon Warabi Mochi <Bracken-starch Mochi> - Creative Japanese Sweets

Shining golden yellow using Wasanbon sugar.

Warabi mochi is a delectable Japanese dessert with a delightfully soft, jelly-like texture, coated in nutty roasted soybean flour and drizzled with sweet syrup, making every bite a melt-in-your-mouth experience.

By using locally produced high-quality Awa Wasanbon sugar, the warabi mochi is cooked to a light golden color, which is different from the original warabi mochi. It's chewy and soft enough to bounce when you pick it up. The soybean flour that is essential for warabi mochi is made from high-quality soybeans brought in from Kyoto, and is made into an ultra-fine powder using a unique roasting method. An original blend of black beans, black sesame seeds, black rice, black karin, and black pine nuts. The rich brown sugar syrup made from Hateruma brown sugar from Okinawa Prefecture adds richness.

Contents: 9 pieces

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